T. L. Qi#,Y. P. Gong#*,A. L. Li, X. M. Ma, P. P. Wang, R. Huang, C.Liu,R.Sakidja, J. Z. Wu,L. R. Chen*,Y. Zhang*. Interlayertransition in a vdWheterostructure towardultrahighdetectivityshortwaveinfraredphotodetectors.AdvancedFunctional Materials30,1905687(2020).(JCR=Q1,IF=16.836,被引用8次)#Contributed equally to the work.
A. L. Li, Q. X. Chen, P. P. Wang, Y. Gan, T. L. Qi, P. Wang, F. D. Tang, J. Z. Wu, R. Chen*, L. Y. Zhang*,Y. P. Gong*.Ultrahigh-sensitive broadband photodetectors based on dielectric shielded MoTe2/Graphene/SnS2p-g-n junctions.Advanced Materials31, 1805656 (2019).(JCR=Q1,IF=27.398,被引用52次)(Frontpiecearticle)
Y. P. Gong*,P. Adhikari, Q. F. Liu, T. Wang, M. G. Gong, W.-L. Chan, W.-Y. Ching, J. Wu*.Designing interface of carbon nanotube/biomaterials for high-performance ultra-broadband photodetection.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces9, 11016 (2017). (JCR=Q1,IF=8.785)
Y. P. Gong*,Q. F. Liu, M. G. Gong, T. Wang, G. G. Zeng, W.-L. Chan, J. Wu*. High-performance photodetectors based on effective exciton dissociation in protein-adsorbed multi-walled carbon nanotube nanohybrids.Advanced Optical Materials5,1600478(2017).(JCR=Q1,IF=8.286) (Inside Front Cover)
Y. P. Gong*, Q. F. Liu, J. S. Wilt, M. G. Gong, S. Ren, J. Wu*. Wrapping cytochrome c around single-wall carbon nanotube: engineered nanohybrid building blocks for infrared detection at high quantum efficiency.Scientific Reports5, 11328 (2015).(JCR=Q1,IF=3.998)
C. R. Ma#,Y. P. Gong#, R. T. Lu, E. Brown, B. H. Ma, J. Li, J. Wu*. Detangling extrinsic and intrinsic hysteresis for detecting dynamic switch of electric dipoles using graphene field-effect transistors on ferroelectric gates.Nanoscale7,18489 (2015). (JCR=Q1,IF=6.895)(Back cover)#Contributed equally to the work.
M. S. Long#,Y. P. Gong#, X. F. Wei, C. Zhu, J. B. Xu, P. Liu,Y. F. Guo, W. W. Li, G. T. Liu, L. W. Liu*. Electron-electron interaction, weak localization and spin valve effect in vertical-transport graphene devices.Applied Physics Letters104, 153114 (2014).(JCR=Q1,IF=3.597)#Contributed equally to the work.
Y. P. Gong,H. F.Zhai, X. J.Liu, J. Z.Kong, D.Wu, A. D.Li*. Impact of Gd2O3passivation layer on interfacial and electrical properties of atomic-layer-deposited ZrO2gate dielectric on GaAs.Applied Surface Science291,35 (2014). (JCR=Q1,IF=6.182)
Y. P. Gong, M. S. Long, G. T. Liu, S. Gao, C. Zhu, X. F. Wei, X. M. Geng, M. T. Sun, C. L. Yang, L. Lu*, L. W. Liu*.Electronic transport properties of graphene nanoribbon arrays fabricated by unzipping aligned nanotubes.Physical Review B87, 165404 (2013).(JCR=Q1,IF=3.575)
Y. P. Gong,X. M. Zhang, G. T. Liu, L. Q. Wu, X. M. Geng, M. S. Long, X. H. Cao, Y. F. Guo, W. W. Li, J. B. Xu, M. T. Sun, L. Lu, L. W. Liu*. Layer-controlled and wafer-scale synthesis of uniform and high-quality graphene films on polycrystalline nickel catalyst.Advanced Functional Materials22, 3153 (2012). (JCR=Q1,IF=16.836,被引用89次)
Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, X. J. Liu, H. Li, D. Wu.Effect of surface treatments on interfacial characteristics and band alignments of atomic-layer-deposited Al2O3films on GaAs substrates.Surface and Interface Analysis43, 734 (2011).(JCR=Q2,IF=1.665)
Y. P. Gong,A. D. Li*, C. Zhao, Y. D. Xia, D. Wu. Fabrication and electrical characteristics of ultrathin (HfO2)x(SiO2)1-xfilms by surface sol-gel method and reaction-anneal treatment.Microelectronic Engineering87, 1756 (2010).(JCR=Q2,IF=2.305)
Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, X. F. Li, H. Li, H. F. Zhai, D.Wu.Impact of Al/Hf ratio on electrical properties and band alignments ofatomic-layer-depositedHfO2/Al2O3on S-passivated GaAs substrates.Semiconductor Science and Technology25, 055012(2010).(JCR=Q1,IF=2.361)
Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, X. Qian, C. Zhao, D. Wu. Interfacial structure and electrical properties of ultrathin HfO2dielectric films on Si substrates by surface sol-gel method.Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics42, 015405 (2009). (JCR=Q1,IF=3.169)