Email: yschai@cqu.edu.cn
Homepage: http://cryophysics.cqu.edu.cn
Office:Room LE204, Science Building, Campus D, Chongqing University
2000-2007: Doctor of Science in Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
1996-2000: Bachelor of Science in Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
Work Experence
2017-Present: Professor, Chongqing University, China
2012-2017: Associate researcher, Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
2005-2012: Postdoctoral Fellow, Seoul National University, South Korea
2004-2005: Guest Scientist, Risoe National Laboratory, Denmark
Research Interests
Yisheng Chai's group is focusing on the quantum phenomenon of strong correlated materials under extreme conditions(low temperature and strong magnetic fields) by means of electrical and thermal transport, thermal-expansion, magnetostriction, specific heat, magnetization and point-contact spectroscopy. Current ongoing research covers the following topics:
Coupling behavior of single phase and composite multiferroic and magnetoelectric
Superconductivity and strong correlation system
Development of thermal transport measurement, high magnetic field measurement and other magnetic measurement methods
The general program of NSFC is to study the magnetic flux vortex, sigmin subsystem and its dynamic behavior by using the composite magnetoelectric coupling technology, 2020/1-2023/12, 630,000 RMB, Host
The general program of NSFC is to study multifield control of electric dipole geometric frustration system in hexagonal ferrite, 2017/1-2020/12, 670,000 RMB, Host
The key projects of NSFC is to study novel multiferroic materials and magnetoelectric coupling prototype devices, 2016/1- 2020/12, 3.05 million RMB, Participation
The general program of NSFC is to study micromechanism of giant magnetoelectric coupling effect of multiferroic hexaferrite, 2014 / 1-2017 / 12, 890,000 yuan, Host
Selective Publications
Junzhuang Cong, Kun Zhai,Yisheng Chai, Dashan Shang, Dmitry D. Khalyavin, Roger D. Johnson, Denis P. Kozlenko, Sergey E. Kichanov, Artem M. Abakumov, Alexander A. Tsirlin, L eonid Dubrovinsky, Xueli Xu. Zhigao Sheng.Sergey V. Ovsyannikov and Young Sun,Spin-induced multiferroicity in the binary perovskite manganite Mn2O3,Nature Communications - Published in 2018
Kun Zhai, Yan Wu, Shipeng Shen, Wei Tian, Huibo Cao,Yisheng Chai, Bryan C. Chakoumakos, Dashan Shang, Liqin Yan, Fangwei Wang & Young Sun,Giant magnetoelectric effects achieved by tuning spin cone symmetry in Y-type hexaferrites,Nature Communications volume 8, Article number: 519 (2017)
Shi-Peng Shen, Jia-Chuan Wu, Jun-Da Song, Xue-Feng Sun, Yi-Feng Yang,Yi-Sheng Chai, Da-Shan Shang, Shou-Guo Wang, James F. Scott & Young Sun,Quantum electric-dipole liquid on a triangular lattice,Nature Communications volume 7, Article number: 10569 (2016)
Wang, Xiao, Chai, Yisheng Long Zhou, Huibo Cao, Clarina-dela Cruz, Junye Yang, Jianhong Dai, Yunyu Yin, Zhen Yuan, Sijia Zhang, Runze Yu, Masaki Azuma, Yuichi Shimakawa, Huimin Zhang, Shuai Dong, Young Sun,Observation of magnetoelectric multiferroicity in a cubic perovskite system: LaMn3Cr4O12, Physical Review Letters, 115, 087601 (2015)
Yi Sheng Chai, Sangil Kwon, Sae Hwan Chun, Ingyu Kim, Byung-Gu Jeon, Kee Hoon Kim & Soonchil Lee ,Electrical control of large magnetization reversal in a helimagnet,Nature Communications volume 5, Article number: 4208 (2014)
Ying Tian, Wei Wang,Yisheng Chai, Junzhuang Cong, Shipeng Shen, Liqin Yan, Shouguo Wang, Xiufeng Han, and Young Sun,Quantum Tunneling of Magnetization in a Metal-Organic Framework,Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 017202
Sae Hwan Chun,Yi Sheng Chai, Byung-Gu Jeon, Hyung Joon Kim, Yoon Seok Oh, Ingyu Kim, Hanbit Kim, Byeong Jo Jeon, So Young Haam, Ju-Young Park, Suk Ho Lee, Jae-Ho Chung, Jae-Hoon Park, and Kee Hoon Kim,Electric Field Control of Nonvolatile Four-State Magnetization at Room Temperature,Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 177201
Sae Hwan Chun,Yi Sheng Chai, Yoon Seok Oh, Deepshikha Jaiswal-Nagar, So Young Haam, Ingyu Kim, Bumsung Lee, Dong Hak Nam, Kyung-Tae Ko, Jae-Hoon Park, Jae-Ho Chung, and Kee Hoon Kim,Realization of Giant Magnetoelectricity in Helimagnets,Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 037204